AGM 2004

Annual General Meeting 2004 of the SDL Forum Society
The Annual General Meeting of the the SDL Forum Society was held at University of Ottawa on 02 June 2004 during the fourth SAM Workshop. The business of the meeting was as follows:
  • Approve the minutes of the previous AGM;
  • To receive and adopt the report of the Board and the statement of accounts for the year;
  • To elect the Board for the coming year;
  • To receive the report of the SDL Task Force Initiative and to discuss its future;
  • To consider any proposed resolutions from the Board or members for changes in operation of the Society in future, including (but not limited to) Society Events, standardisation work, member benefits and subscriptions.

The Board was re-elected unopposed.

The current Board is:

  • Chairman - Rick Reed, TSE, UK.
  • Treasurer - Uwe Glässer, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
  • Secretary - Andreas Prinz, Agder University College, Norway.
It was agreed that the board should proceed with discussions on the proposal to hold the 12th SDL FORUM in Grimstad June 2005. Other matters discussed are covered in the minutes of the meeting (available to members only).

R. Reed


26 August 2004