SAM 2025

SAM 2025 - 17 th System Analysis and Modelling conference

Co-located with MODELS 2025.

Mon 6 - Tue 7 October 2025, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Call for papers

The System Analysis and Modelling (SAM) conference provides an open arena for participants from academia and industry to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in modeling, specification, analysis, and realization of complex systems using ITU-T's Specification and Description Language (SDL-2010) and Message Sequence Chart (MSC) notations, as well as related system design languages — including but not limited to UML, ASN.1, TTCN-3, SysML and the User Requirements Notation (URN).

Scope and Topics

The 2025 edition of SAM focuses on "Systems modeling and analysis for trustworthy AI." The scope includes advancements/usage of languages/methods standardized by the ITU-T and domain-specific languages for state-of-practice domains like artificial intelligence, digital twins, no code, low code, DevOps, and metaverse. Also included are software engineering technologies, such as agile methods, and development aspects, such as requirements engineering, software verification and validation, model checking, code generation, tool support, and training. Authors are invited to submit papers related to this year’s theme, including the following non-exclusive list of topics:

  • Evolution of languages:
    Domain-specific languages, modular language design, semantics, and evaluation, languages for artificial intelligence systems (like traditional data classification and regression systems as well as neural networks), high-level modeling languages with strong semantics to avoid and reduce coding, ModelOps to support strong interaction with IT operations and life cycle management.
  • Model-driven development:
    AI-supported system modeling, agile modeling, analysis and transformation of models, approaches to reduce or avoid coding by reuse, verification and validation of models, systematic testing based on and applied to models, automated verification by model checking, approaches to increase quality and efficiency in teams like applying peer, mob, and ensemble programming processes to modeling.
  • System engineering models:
    Semantics of system models, refinement of system designs into implementations, automated code generation, integration of system and software design models, non-functional aspects in system models (such as performance, quality of service, real-time aspects, and security), creation of digital twins from models and applying hardware/software-in-the-loop to model simulation.
  • Industrial application and tools:
    Industrial usage reports, standardization activities, tool support, and frameworks, domain-specific applicability (such as telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, Internet of Things), modeling and analysis in machine control and monitoring (e.g., IEC 61499), model-based creation of immersive web spaces (e.g., metaverse).


    The conference program includes:

    • Presentations from invited speakers,
    • Presentation of research papers,
    • Presentation of industrial experiences,
    • Tool demonstrations.

    SDL Forum ACM ITU