Society Annual Meeting Geneva 1998-03-30

SDL Forum Society Annual Meeting 1998, Geneva 1998-03-30


Name Member Organization
Asplund, Svante personal
Docekal, Jan Telelogic
Geppert, Birgit personal
Gotzhein, Reinhard personal
Haugen, Øystein personal
Kossmann, Heinz Siemens AG
Lahav, Yair personal
Luukkainen, Matti personal
Mitschele-Thiel, Andreas personal
Olsen, Anders personal
Reed, Rick TSE Ltd.
Rudolph, Ekkart personal
Sarma, Amardeo personal
Vincent, Daniel France Telcom
Weigert, Thomas personal
Willcock, Colin personal


The meeting was held 1998-03-30 in Geneva. The SDL Forum Society Chairman, Yair Lahav, led the meeting and the society secretary Øystein Haugen took the minutes.

Annual Report

The chairman, Yair Lahav, presented the annual report.

Ekkart Rudolph raised some criticism concerning the access of SDL Forum Society member area from the general open web-site. He was also not content with the way the MSC pages were maintained. The question whether the SDL Forum Society should take the MSC pages over from University of Eindhoven was raised.

Financial Report

The treasurer, Amardeo Sarma, prsented the financial report. In general the finances of the society is in very good shape.

A financial report from the SDL'97 venue in Paris, France has not yet been received. It was emphasized that the board should make sure to receive a budget from the SDL'99 organizers (Univ. of Montreal). A written contract regarding responsibilities and financial arrangements of the SDL'99 should be signed well in advance of the conference.

The 1999 budget will appear soon.

Acceptance of financial report

The annual meeting accepted the financial report subject to the scrutiny of Heinz Kossmann (Siemens) and Anders Olsen.

Ideas for money spending activities

The meeting decided that the board is authorized to spend 5000 DEM on projects for the strategic promotion of SDL and MSC. The members are encouraged to contribute proposals for such projects.


The current board was reelected by acclamation.

The board continues to consist of Yair Lahav (chairman), Amardeo Sarma (treasurer), Øystein Haugen (secretary).

SDL Newsletter

It was decided that the SDL Newsletter should be discontinued. Rick Reed will inform the British Library to discontinue the ISSN series and ask for corresponding registering of electronic publications.

Next meetings

The next ordinary annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the SDL'99 Forum in Montreal in June 1999. An extraordinary meeting will presumably take place in connection with SAM'98 in June 1998 in Berlin.