MSC-News: The loop operator

Subject: MSC-News: The loop operator
From: Dagbjorn Nogva ( )
Date: Fri Jan 30 1998 - 06:11:34 GMT

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-----From (Dagbjorn Nogva) to mscnews -----

Dear MSC-community,

Does the loop operator denote a parallel loop or a sequential
loop? By parallel loop I mean that all iterations are executed
in parallel.

As far as I can see, Z.120 doesn't say anything specific, however
I guess the answer is sequential loop, i.e. each iteration is
executed in sequence. If so, is it possible to specify a parallel
loop by combining the par operator and the loop operator in some
way? Or do I just have to make a comment?

Best regards
Dagbjoern Nogva
Telox AS

-----End text from (Dagbjorn Nogva) to mscnews -----
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