Subject: Re: MSC-News: The loop operator
From: Lennard Lambert (
Date: Fri Jan 30 1998 - 09:36:28 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Lennard Lambert <> to mscnews -----
Dear Dagbjoern Nogva,
Does the loop operator denote a parallel loop or a sequential
loop? By parallel loop I mean that all iterations are executed
in parallel.
As far as I can see, Z.120 doesn't say anything specific, however
I guess the answer is sequential loop, i.e. each iteration is
executed in sequence.
I had a short look up and I have also not found any precise
definition. But in section 6.20 an exapmle is given that confirms
your opinion.
If so, is it possible to specify a parallel
loop by combining the par operator and the loop operator in some
way? Or do I just have to make a comment?
In our annotational extension of MSC-96 to integrate performance
issues, called Performance MSC, we had the same problem. We want to
express a parallel composition of parallel loops. Since annotational
extension means comments with semantics to our tools, we had no
problem using the comment variant.
I do not see how a combination of par and loop operators can help to
express a parallel loop within the current semantics of MSC-96 since
an instance in the loop can only start its next iteration after it has
completed the current one.
Best regards
Lennard Lambert
-- University Erlangen-Nuremberg | Room: 06.151 IMMD VII | Phone: (49) 9131 / 85-7697 Martensstrasse 3 | Fax: (49) 9131 / 85-7409 D-91058 Erlangen |-------------------------------- Germany | email: text from Lennard Lambert <> to mscnews ----- For help, email "" with the body of your email as: help or (iff this does not answer your question) email:
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