The list of SAM 2021 accepted papers:
- On the Conception of Executable Design Languages for Distributed Real-time Systems. Reinhard Gotzhein.
- Combining Low-Code Programming and SDL-Based Modeling with Snap! in the Industry 4.0 Context. Xavier Pi i Palomés, Pere Tuset-Peiró, and Pau Fonseca i Casas
- Identification and Optimisation of Type-Level Model Queries. Qurat Ul Ain Ali, Dimitris Kolovos and Konstantinos Barmpis.
- Modeling self-adaptative IoT architectures. Iván Alfonso, Kelly Garces Pernett, Harold Castro and Jordi Cabot.
- UCM4IoT: A Use Case Modelling Environment for IoT Systems. Paul Boutot, Mirza Rehenuma Tabassum and Sadaf Mustafiz.
- Modelling Data Protection in Fog Computing Systems using UMLsec and SysML-Sec. Jan Laufer, Zoltán Ádám Mann and Andreas Metzger.
- (Not) Yet Another Metamodel For Traceability. Edouard Romari Batot, Jordi Cabot and Sébastien Gérard.
- Metamodel Refactoring using Constraint Solving: a Quality-based Perspective. Oussama Ben Sghaier, Houari Sahraoui and Michalis Famelis.
- From a Series of (Un)fortunate Events to Global Explainability of Runtime Model-Based Self-Adaptive Systems. Juan Parra, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez and Nelly Bencomo.
- Artifact Analysis of Smell Evolution and Maintenance Tasks in Simulink Models. Saheed Popoola and Jeff Gray.
- Towards Modelling Acceptance Tests as a Support for Software Measurement. Alexandra Lapointe-Boisvert, Sébastien Mosser and Sylvie Trudel.