Subject: SDL-News: SDL Questions
From: M T Chan (
Date: Sun Nov 16 1997 - 10:35:31 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From M T Chan <> (by way of Rick Reed TSE) to sdlnews -----
Hello SDL users,
We would like to have some help from SDL experts concerning the following :-
1. We noted the reference of SDL-96, has it been standardised yet ?
any new features compared to SDL-92 ?
2. Is there any discussion about the pros and cons of using ACT-ONE
and ASN.1 ? With respect to Rick Reed's recent mail re : Lutterwork Q.6/10
meeting results, there mentioned about the start of revision of the data
model, what will be the direction of revision ? e.g. towards a total object
orientation ?
3. Is there any way to model threads ? i.e. concurrency with total
shared memory variables
4. We wish to model concurrency within operators of datatypes and
propose the following :-
newtype a
op1 : a,b -> c;
operator op1 referenced;
endnewtype a;
operator op1; fpar x a, y b; returns v c;
task v := call remote-proc(x,y);
endoperator op1;
In some process specification, there exists :
exported procedure remote-proc; fpar x a. y b; returns v c;
create process1;
create process2; /* etc. handling the operator's detail actions */
return v;
endprocedure remote-proc;
The application of operator op1 will be within a process which has an
import of remote-proc.
Wish to confirm whether the above is correct in SDL.
M T Chan
-----End text from M T Chan <> (by way of Rick Reed TSE) to sdlnews -----
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