Subject: Re: MSC-News: Future of Z.120
From: Rick Reed TSE (
Date: Sun Jul 11 2004 - 14:32:29 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
----From Rick Reed TSE <> to mscnews -----
Paul Herber at wrote on 09/07/04 14:53:
> Is this a public or proprietary format?
Dear Paul,
There is no standard for CIF and as as far as I am aware although the idea
has been suggested at ITU-T there have been no contributions for an MSC CIF.
A couple of years ago the opinion seemed to be that the SDL CIF would be
replaced a a version of the UML XMI format, which is possibly why no real
effort was put into an MSC CIF. However, since then XMI has found not to
offer the universal portability expected - so perhaps the issue should once
again been discussed.
Of course, this is relevant to all the ITU-T languages - not just MSC or
If you have some input for discussion please send it to a rapporteur who can
then distribute it as a temporary document.
-- Rick Reed - Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50----End text from Rick Reed TSE <> to mscnews -----
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