Annual General Meeting 2013
of the SDL Forum Society
The Annual General Meeting 2013 of the SDL Forum Society was held on June 26, 2013, from 17:00 to 17:50 in
room EV02.260, Concordia University, 1515 St-Catherine West, Montréal, Canada durning SAM2013.
The business of the meeting was as follows:
- To approve the minutes of the previous AGM;
- To receive and adopt the report of the Board and the statement of accounts for the year;
- To elect the Board for the coming year;
- To elect the auditors for the coming year;
- To discuss the future operation of the Society;
- To consider any proposed resolutions from the Board or members for operation of
the Society in future, including (but not limited to) Society Events (see
http://www.sdl-forum.org/Events/index.htm), standardisation work, member
benefits and subscriptions.
It was agreed at the meeting to start planning for SAM2014
to be held September 2014 in Valencia, Spain together with MODELS2014.
The 2012-2013 Board was nominated for election and as there were no other nominations this Board was re-elected.
The 2013-2014 Board is therefore:
- Chairman - Reinhard Gotzhei;
- Secretary - Ferhat Khendek;
- Treasurer - Martin von Löwis.