Welcome to the SDL Forum Society news and discussion area.
This area links to the SDLnews email list and to archives of emails posted to our public mailing lists:
SDLnews |
SDL news and discussion - this list is active and also replaces MSCnews.
It is used for news, discussion and questions about the System Design Languages (SDL):
that is, the ITU Specification and Description Language,
the ITU Message Sequence Chart and other related languages.
Goto SDLnews to join the list or
All SDLnews archives for the archives.
MSCnews |
MSC news and discussion - existed until June 2013 for news, discussion
and questions about the ITU Message Sequence Chart language, but there
was very little activity between 2000 to 2013, so is now covered by
Meeting |
An archive of standards meeting discussions. This list has been inactive since Jan 25 2007
and was closed Jul 12 2011.
ITU-T mailing lists for Q13/17 [2009-2012] and Q12 [2013-2016] were subsequently used.
The Meeting archive requires a password and is intended only for use by SDL
Forum Society members, ITU-T participants or other experts involved in the standards.
Contact: rickreed(at)tseng.co.uk) if you want to access this list.
There was also an old mailing list News that was for general
announcements. This was replaced by SDLnews.
There are a number of other private mailing lists announced and accessible only to SDL Forum Society members or invited participants.