Re: SDL-News: Request for advices on code generation

Subject: Re: SDL-News: Request for advices on code generation
From: John Dalton (
Date: Sat Oct 02 1999 - 06:44:37 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From John Dalton <> to sdlnews -----

Corinne Rosier wrote:

> As we have also bought the code generation module, I would be very
> interested by some feedback from experimented people about SDL and this kind
> of tool and its ability to generate good code from complex SDL models, maybe
> with strong real-time constraints.

I don't think you could have bought a better code generator than OG, but
you have to realise that SDL itself is limited in its ability to specify
what we would call 'hard' real-time constraints. That's because timers
in SDL are asynchronous (they generate messages which live in queues) so
while they are fine for typical protocol-related time-outs (eg. "close
this connection if you receive no ACK within 100 milliseconds") they
can't handle hardware-related issues like "make sure the UART gets read
and reset within 19 microseconds of the interrupt to avoid losing the
next frame on the serial-in port".

If that's what you meant by "strong real-time constraints" then beware.
But I haven't heard of any code generator for any specification language
(even C!) which CAN be relied on to satisfy specified hard real-time

I hope this helps, and good luck - John

>From John Dalton of Pacific Softworks (Europe)
Efficient advanced embedded Internet protocols
(direct line +44-1308-863795 01308-863795)

-----End text from John Dalton <> to sdlnews -----
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