Subject: SDL-News: TIMe version 4.0 is now available
From: Richard Sanders (
Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 13:33:30 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Richard Sanders <> to sdlnews -----
Dear SDL and MSC colleagues!
This is to announce that TIMe - the Integrated Method - version 4.0, as
demonstrated at the 1999 SDL Forum, is now available. Updates to
subscribers are on their way.
TIMe is a methodology for the combined use of UML, MSC and SDL.
TIMe is an "electronic book" distributed on a CD, and contains language
tutorials for UML, MSC and SDL (plus methodology guidelines, examples,
additional issues such as V&V, Metrics, Process Improvement and
Configuration Management). The intention of TIMe is to not only teach you
the languages, but also help you use these languages to build systems of
high quality efficiently. Note that TIMe is the only book available that
comprehensively covers MSC.
The most important enhancements from version 3.1 are:
· UML Tutorial
· Examples reworked with UML
· HTML version of central parts of TIMe
· PDF version for printout
· Dictionary of terms added
Greatest functionality in TIMe is achieved with the FrameMaker version, for
which the inexpensive Adobe FrameViewer is available for all popular
computer platforms. But TIMe can also be read and printed using free
web-browsers and the free Acrobate Reader from Adobe.
ITU has given us permission to publish extracts from the SDL and MSC
standards for tutorials. The reader gains access to appropriate parts of
the SDL and MSC standards by following hyperlinks in the book.
The selection of extracts is entirely our own, and does not affect the
responsibility of the ITU in any way. You still need to buy the standards
from the ITU, but access to parts of them has become greatly simplified by
Please visit our website for price information,
to place your order, and for more information about TIMe. From there you
may also download the free introduction to TIMe, "TIMe at a Glance".
Richard T. Sanders
SINTEF Telecom and Informatics Telephone: (+47) 73 59 30 06
N-7465 Trondheim, Norway Telefax: (+47) 73 53 25 86
Home: Aasbakken 1, N-7043 Trondheim Telephone: (+47) 73 52 06 71
-----End text from Richard Sanders <> to sdlnews -----
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