Subject: SDL-News: RE: Thanks you , I want to ask you a qustion
From: Yoni Rabinovich (
Date: Sun Aug 15 1999 - 06:50:50 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Yoni Rabinovich <> to sdlnews -----
> Hi,
> I have considerable experience with SDT and ObjecTime (which is now
> also marketed as part of Rational Rose Realtime), but not with
> ObjectGEODE.
> ObjecTime is based on ROOM, which is a beautiful methodology, designed
> from scratch to be the basis for a CASE tool for Real Time software.
> SDT is based on SDL, which was initially designed as a specification
> language.
> SDT (Tau) has FAR more features than ObjecTime (e.g. SDT has a
> "Validator" which is a functionality not covered at all in ROOM /
> ObjecTime). Also, Tau features ITEX, which is a TTCN based test-generation
> tool, which can be easily integrated with SDT. ObjecTime has no such tool.
> The simulation and debug capabilities offered by SDT are significantly
> stronger and more flexible than those offered by ObjecTime.
> As far as code generation is concerned: In my opinion, the SDT code
> generator generates efficient code. It is true that the size of the C
> files generated are very large, however alot of the C code is just for
> "simulation" (debug) purposes, and can be excluded (via pre-porcessor
> flags) in an application.
> Anyway, basically the bottom line as fae as I'm concerned is:
> ROOM / ObjecTime features beautiful modelling constructs, which
> designers love. Many of these modelling constructs are not available in
> SDL, which is a much more "awkward" language for modelling. I think
> ObjecTime is an easier tool to use for Rapid Prototyping.
> However, at the actual implementation level, SDT offers alot of
> advantages.
> Some other considerations to remember:
> - SDT is 100% graphics based, whereas in ROOM, only the structure and
> high-level behaviour (state machines) are graphics-based, the detailed
> behaviour is done in regular code.
> - SDT generates C, whereas ObjecTime generates C++ (depending on your
> perspective, this may be an advantage or disadvantage). ObjecTime are now
> offering a C code generator too, although I'm not sure it has all the
> featires of the C++ code generator.
> Anyway, there are lots of considerations in favour of each tool. I
> think both are great !!
> Good luck !!
> Yoni Rabinovitch
> R&D Team Leader
> ADC Teledata Communications
> 7 Ha'sadnaot St, Hertzlia, 46120, Israel
> email:
> Phone: +972-9-9591741
> Fax : +972-9-9591444
> -----Original Message-----
> From: niushetuan []
> Sent: 13 August 1999 13:07
> To:
> Subject: Thanks you , I want to ask you a qustion
> Hi
> I am software manager in our company a biggest telecom device supplier
> in china. We now want to use sdl to develop our telecom software, but we
> very care for the speed and size of code generated by SDL tools. some
> people tell me that speed of code generated by SDL is very slowly, and
> size of code generated by SDL is very large than manual c code. Could you
> give me some experience for it.
> Now have two sdl tool TAU and ObjectGEODE, which tools is better than
> another?
> Someone recommend me TAU, but other one recommend me ObjectGEODE, I could
> not decide which one i should buy.
> Do you know ObjecTime, I know ObjecTime is very widely used in
> North-American
> such as lucent and NorTel, Do you think ObjecTime? Could you give me a
> compare between SDL and ObjecTime if you have experience of these area?
> Best Regards
> niushetuan
-----End text from Yoni Rabinovich <> to sdlnews -----
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