Subject: Re: SDL-News: Context Parameters
From: Dagbjorn Nogva (
Date: Tue Dec 08 1998 - 06:52:00 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Dagbjorn Nogva <> to sdlnews -----
Dear M T Chan,
You are looking for applications in real-life projects using context parameters
in SDL specifications. I guess there is little to find, since the tool support,
as you point out, is very poor. It's a big shame that major tool vendors still
don't support context parameters six years after the standard (SDL-92) was
released. So without code generation support in particular, it's not straightforward
to apply context parameters in system implementations.
With regard to literature the most comprehensive explanation of context
parameters you will find in the textbook "Systems Engineering Using SDL-92",
A. Olsen, O. F�rgemand, B. M�ller-Pedersen, R. Reed and J. R. W. Smith.
North-Holland 1994, ISBN 0 444 898727.
You may also download a PostScript version of the paper "New Features in
SDL-92", O. F�rgemand and A. Olsen. Tele Danmark Research. In this paper
you will find a few pages about the topic.
Dagbjorn Nogva <>
Telox AS
M T Chan wrote:
> The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
> -----From M T Chan <> to sdlnews -----
> Hello SDL users,
> I am looking for advice/experience for application of context parameters in real-life projects using SDL specifications. My understanding is context parameters could be used for parameterization of specifications (behavior or otherwise) to handle different types in the calling context. I have checked with Telelogic that SDT, the latest release, does not support code generation for context parameters and I did not get reply from Verilog. Without code generation support, I wonder how context parameters can be applied to system implementation. Any comment/pointers to study or papers are most welcomed.
> Thanks.
> M T Chan
> --------
> Department of Computer Science
> City University of Hong Kong
> -----End text from M T Chan <> to sdlnews -----
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-----End text from Dagbjorn Nogva <> to sdlnews -----
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