Subject: Re: SDL-News: Course on SDL
From: Dagbjorn Nogva (
Date: Fri Nov 06 1998 - 05:55:46 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Dagbjorn Nogva <> to sdlnews -----
Dear Terje,
SINTEF Telecom and Informatics, Trondheim (Norway), offers an excellent
course in SDL, MSC and UML. (Also known as the TIMe method.) This
might me just want you want because you may soon experience that SDL on
its own is not enough to model a complex real-time system.
Please contact for more information.
Best regards
Dagbjorn Nogva
Telox AS wrote:
> The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
> -----From to sdlnews -----
> Hi
> I am looking for a course on SDL, preferably not in connection with a
> specific tool. I have experience from using SDL in my work. We are using
> in-house tools that uses a subset of the Z.100 standard. We are now moving
> to a commercial tool and then I want some training on the complete Z.100
> standard. Any suggestions?.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> **** Terje Norderud
> **** Nera SatCom AS, P.O. Box 91, N-1361 Billingstad, NORWAY
> **** Phone: +47 67 24 36 32 Fax: +47 67 24 30 80
> **** E-mail:
> **** HomePage:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> -----End text from to sdlnews -----
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-----End text from Dagbjorn Nogva <> to sdlnews -----
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