Subject: Re: SDL-News: LTL properties
From: Stefan Leue (
Date: Mon Oct 19 1998 - 19:12:43 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Stefan Leue <> to sdlnews -----
> -----From (Philippe Dhaussy) to sdlnews -----
> I am interested to specify temporal properties with LTL or an other
> temporal logic.
> Could somebody suggest a tool to compile temporal logic specifications
> into finite state machines (SDL observers) ?
> Any pointers are also most welcome.
I am not sure to what extent this suits your purpose, but the
Spin/Xspin toolset (c.f., allows you to
synthesize Buechi automata (there called Promela "never claims") from
LTL formulae. Note that the properties that you can specify in Xspin's
LTL property manager are *state* properties of a Promela model, not
event properties. Hence, you cannot specify constraints on the
occurrence of communication events directly, this has to be encoded in
state propositions. There are a few papers in the literature that
show how Promela relates to SDL, as well how SDL goes together with
Hope this helps.
| Stefan Leue |
| Currently visiting (until December 31, 1998): |
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-----End text from Stefan Leue <> to sdlnews -----
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