Subject: RE: SDL-News: Need some help on selecting a research problem
From: Philippe Leblanc (
Date: Fri Jul 31 1998 - 11:33:33 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Philippe Leblanc <> to sdlnews -----
To go further in this direction, according to my mind there are (at least) two separate hot topics:
1. Mapping between a UML object model and an SDL architecture:
mapping between the different UML and SDL entities - active classes vs. block/process types, class instances vs. blocks and types, packages, passive classes and ADTs...-; communication means - associations vs. channels, synchronous/asynchronous interactions...; class aggregation vs. SDL refinement; how to mix parts of UML object models with parts of SDL architectures?, etc.
2. Mapping between a UML statechart and an SDL finite state machine:
comparison of the semantics (if UML statechart has a defined semantics ;-) ); hierarchical states; internal concurrency; entry/exit actions; etc.
I am sure the SDL community will be interested to have some concrete results in these fields, in particular with the objectives for industrial users to be able to mix UML models and SDL models.
Philippe Leblanc
-- Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 19 29 33 Switchboard: +33 (0)5 61 19 29 39 Fax: +33 (0)5 61 40 84 52 Email: VERILOG S.A. BP 1310 F-31106 Toulouse Cedex - France De: Leslie Munday[] Date d'envoi: jeudi 30 juillet 1998 18:11 A: Prakash R.;; Objet: Re: SDL-news: Need some help on selecting a research problem
How about some sort of automated translation between UML and SDL?
I'm post-graduate student at IISc, Bangalore. I've narrowed down on SDL as the area of research. I need some help in choosing a research topic. The amount of work should be such that I can finish it in a year.
Could somebody suggest a few topics, problems? Any pointers are also most welcome.
- Regards Prakash ======================================================================== Prakash R Research Engineer. email : Centre for Development of Telematics Phone : 91-80-2263399 Ext: 235,245 Sneha Complex, 91-80-2282915 71/1, Miller Road, Fax : 91-80-2263256 Bangalore - 560052, India =========================================================================
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