Subject: SDL-News: SDL vs. StateCharts
Date: Sun Jun 21 1998 - 09:28:17 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From to sdlnews -----
> The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
> -----From "Dr. Reuven Gallant" <rgallant#HDQ.IAI.CO.IL> to sdlnews
> I am looking for information (white papers, polemics,
> diatribes, etc.) regarding the relative merits,
> applicability etc. of characterizing the dynamic aspects
> of the design of real time embedded software with SDL
> versus (or in conjunction with) StateCharts. Any and all
> references would be appreciated.
I think that it is a very interesting question You are working with. As
long as no codegeneration is used, State Charts may be just as good. At
my company some projects have used State Charts instead of SDL, with
just as good results. It should be mentioned that on these projects were
people who had used State Charts before, and didn't see any point in
changing to something which couln't offer more.
Kjeld Flarup
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