Subject: SDL-News: Workshop results - long version
From: Andreas Mitschele_Thiel (
Date: Tue Apr 07 1998 - 15:02:50 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Andreas Mitschele_Thiel <> to sdlnews -----
Dear SDL folks,
enclosed is the long version of the paper on the results of the
Perf. and Time Workshop held in Erlangen in February 98, and as
presented at the SG 10 meeting in Geneva.
-- Dr. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Phone: +49-9131-85-7932 or -7411 IMMD VII Fax: +49-9131-85-7409 Martensstr. 3 Email: 91058 Erlangen Germany-----------------
Attachment: WSresult-long.pdf
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