Subject: SDL-News: TIMe is now available - and demonstrated at SDL Forum
From: Richard Sanders (
Date: Fri Sep 19 1997 - 13:34:58 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Richard Sanders <> to sdlnews -----
Dear SDL and MSC colleague!
This is to announce that TIMe - the Integrated Method - is (finally)
commercially available, with normal delivery from October.
TIMe is a methodology for the combined use of UML, MSC and SDL.
The product is an "electronic book" distributed on a CD, and contains
language tutorials for OMT/UML, MSC and SDL (plus methodology guidelines,
examples, additional issues such as V&V, Metrics, Process Improvement and
Configuration Management). The intention of TIMe is to not only teach you
the languages, but also help you use these languages to build systems of
high quality efficiently.
TIMe will be demonstrated at the SDL Forum in Evry France next week,
September 21-25.
The current format is in FrameMaker (for which free FrameReaders for all
common operating systems are provided for on the CD). In the future we
plan to release it in PDF format (when the conversion software from
Adobe has sufficient functionality).
TIMe is a result of the SISU project (see ), and
the electronic book was presented in an early version at the SDL Forum in
Oslo in 1995. TIMe version 3.0 was internal to the SISU members, but
TIMe version 3.1 is now available to all.
ITU finally gave us permission to publish extracts from the SDL and MSC
standards for tutorials, which has been missed by the community. The idea
is that the reader gains access to appropriate parts of the SDL and MSC
standard by following hyperlinks in the book.
The selection of extracts is entirely our own, and does not affect the
responsibility of the ITU in any way. You still need to buy the standards
from the ITU, but access to parts of them has become greatly simplified by
You will not be able to reconstruct the standards by using the TIMe CD, and
not all of the standard(s) is covered, but we believe it will be a useful
on-line help to UML, SDL and MSC users.
As the saying goes, there is not free lunch - and no free TIMe. We sell
TIMe as a subscription product, with a basic subscription fee for the first
year, and with a yearly subscription fee for the subsequent years at half
the basic rate.
The price depends on the number of potential professional users, as follows:
Number of users First year Subsequent years
1 400 ECU 200 ECU
2-5 800 ECU 400 ECU
6-10 1.250 ECU 625 ECU
and so on. Additional CD's can also be bought at 125 ECU per copy.
Special terms for educational institutions and student copies exist. TIMe
is also available as a component to be integrated into a company's on-line
process description, with links into and out of TIMe. Contact us for details.
You are not forced to renew your subscription, but then you have to pay the
basic fee again to receive updates. SINTEF will continually update TIMe, as
experience is gained in the various projects piloting the methodology, and
as the languages (UML, MSC and SDL) evolve. We are participating in the
language standardization, and will incorporate future trends into TIMe -
most likely quicker than the ITU manage to publish them.
We hope that our product is welcomed by you all, and that many of you will
be interested in buying it - and in renewing your subscription! We have not
(yet) produced the "perfect" product - we are modest about our achievement
so far - but aim at delivering a continually improving support for
designers of reactive, concurrent, real-time, distributed, heterogeneous
and complex systems. With support and feedback from the user community we
believe this will be possible.
Please visit our stand at the SDL Forum. In the mean time you may download
the introduction to TIMe from
We are ready to accept orders at our stand at the SDL Forum, and will
provide on-line orders at our web site in due time.
We may be reached at TIMe c/o SINTEF Telecom and Informatics
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
email: Fax: +47 73 53 25 86 Phone: +47 73 59 30 00 (ask for
Richard or Dag-Frode).
Richard T. Sanders
SINTEF Telecom and Informatics Telephone: (+47) 73 59 30 06
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway Telefax: (+47) 73 53 25 86
Home: Aasbakken 1, N-7043 Theim Mobile: (+47) 930 58 954
phone 73 52 06 71
-----End text from Richard Sanders <> to sdlnews -----
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