Subject: Re: SDL-News: Portability Problems
From: Englebert francois (
Date: Tue Sep 09 1997 - 11:25:01 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From "Englebert francois" <> to sdlnews -----
> From: "Nikos S. Voros" <>
> Dear SDLers,
> I have bump into serious problems trying to port PR files created, compiled
> and sinulated under SDT 3.01, to ObjectGeode.
> In fact, the Checker provided by ObjectGeode produces errors which make no
> sense at all. I have tried the different compilation options (e.g. the
> sdl88 option) supported by the Checker too. Different errors appeared as
> Checker's output, but the problem still remains: I can not compile a well
> tested (under SDT) PR file.
> Does anyone have come across similar problems?
> Are there any particular SDL code conventions specific to the tools
> used ?
> Best regards,
> [e-mail:]
> ===============================
Dear Mr. Voros,
Technical matters are usually presented together with some detailed
data allowing participants to share their opinions concerning precise
elements. Although I fail to see in your mail an attempt to describe
the problem in the positive manner which usually marks the exchanges
on the SDL forum list, here are some remarks which should help you
analyse and overcome the issue.
The fact that your model is accepted by only one tool does not
systematically grant interoperability between different tools.
Although each tool checker verifies conformity to the Z100 standard,
particular options and/or small features discrepancies relative to the
versions of the tools you're using may carry some issues. Apart from
these, there should be no fundamental problem either coming from non
conformity to Z100 or interchange format issues. Based both on the
results of studies (MTS-PT86) which involved several SDL tool vendors
and also our practical experiences, portability of SDL-PR
specifications has been proven at a very reasonable level.
As a general rule, and because adherence to the standard is a key
issue, should any non-conformity be detected in our tool it would be
corrected with the utmost priority. Additionally, our support team is
dedicated to providing our customers with first class support and to
investigating particular problems with which they are confronted. Had
you first called for our support organization prior to the sdl-forum
list, you would have experienced this statement as a day to day
reality. Nevertheless, we take this as an opportunity to publicly
offer you our commitment in supporting your effort for porting a
specification from SDT to ObjectGEODE.
--- Francois Englebert Market/Product Manager VERILOG SA 52, Av. Aristide Briand 92220 Bagneux - France - Tel: 33 (0)1 45 36 57 09 - Fax: 33 (0)1 46 65 77 38 email: Web: text from "Englebert francois" <> to sdlnews ----- For help, email "" with the body of your email as: help or (iff this does not answer your question) email:
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