SDL-News: Priority in Enabling Condition

Subject: SDL-News: Priority in Enabling Condition
Date: Mon Mar 17 1997 - 11:21:04 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.

-----From Rajesh_Kumar <> to sdlnews -----


Please refer to the section about "Enabling condition" in the Z.100 spec of

SDL. It states that ....

"In the case of multiple enabling conditions, these are evaluated

 in an arbitrary order before entering the state."

The point, I want to make is that if somehow we can specify the order in

which these multiple enabling conditions will be looked at, then it will

a great deal in simplifying some of the enabling conditions.

As an example look at the following :


/* Assume that i1 is an input signal and

o1, o2, o3 are output signals to the process


    PROCESS p1;


      dcl Abort, a1_on, a2_on Boolean;

      START ;

        NEXTSTATE wait;

      STATE wait;

        INPUT i1;

        provided Abort;

        output o1;

          NEXTSTATE wait;


        INPUT i1;

        provided ((not Abort) and a1_on);

        output o2;

          NEXTSTATE wait;


        INPUT i1;

        provided ((not Abort) and (not a1_on) and a2_on);

        output o2;

          NEXTSTATE wait;




Here since the order in which the enabling conditions will be evaluated

is not known, so the user has to explicitly write the "(not Abort)" and

"(not Abort and (not a1_on)". Is there any way in which he could have

skipped this explicit specification and written it like the following:


      STATE wait;

        INPUT i1;

        provided Abort;

        output o1;

          NEXTSTATE wait;


        INPUT i1;

        provided ( a1_on);

        output o2;

          NEXTSTATE wait;


        INPUT i1;

        provided ( a2_on);

        output o2;

          NEXTSTATE wait;


This would have been possible say, if some priority could have been

attached with each condition as in Continuos signal, or if there were

a predetermined evaluation order, like top-to-bottom, say.

Thanks and Regards


-----End text from Rajesh_Kumar <> to sdlnews -----

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