Re: SDL-News: A strange question

Subject: Re: SDL-News: A strange question
From: Rick Reed TSE (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 16:53:29 GMT

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Zhang Yongqian at wrote on 09/10/2002 04:44:

> MyModule DEFINITIONS ::=
> Color ::= ENUMERATED { red(0), yellow(1), blue(2) }

> c Color ;
> In the SDL GR, I write the following code in a task symble:
> c := First(red)

I checked this, as it seemed to be a simple error caused by Tau being unable
to determine the type for "First" or possibly that case sensitivity was
switched on.

It seems that whoever wrote the manual expected Tau to conform to SDL-96
(Note: In SDL-2000 the expression would be "c:=first").
After a few experiments, as afr as I can determine Tau does not implement
first, last, pred and succ on enumerated types whether defined ASN.1 or SDL.
It does not mention these functions in the section on enumerated types, so
it is quite likely they are not supported.

Perhaps someone from Telelogic will give a definitive answer.

Rick Reed, TSE Limited

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