Subject: SDL-News: SDL Quries
From: Elangovan Angannan (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 15:15:37 GMT
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-----From Elangovan Angannan <> to sdlnews -----
Dear SDL experts,
Thanks a lot for all your valuable responses. Atlast I
was able to succeed in my objective. The system
worked. The explanations given by you were fantastic.
I feel with this kind of support from the SDL forum, I
will soon be able answer the questions instead of just
asking questions.
I would like to personally thank Rick Reed, Eckhardt
Holz, Laurent DOLDI and john.svensson.
1) How to convert an integer value to CharString?
2) Consider the following SDL/PR code:
package mypackage;
signal first(CharString, CharString),
second(CharString, CharString), Result(CharString),
use mypackage;
process p;
signalset first, second, quit;
dcl a, b, result CharString := '';
nextstate s1;
state s1;
input Quit;
input first(a, b);
task result := ('A = ' // a // ', B = ' //
output Result(result);
nextstate s1;
input second(,b);
endstate s1;
When I gave the signal second('Hello', 'World'), I got
Result('A = ,B= ') instead of Result('A = ,B
=World')? Why does I received this behavior?
3) What is the use of specifying multiple names for a
state like
state s1, s2;
4) What is the use of informal task?
5) How to use 'any'? I read, it is used to assign an
arbitary value to a variable.
When I tried,
dcl x CharString;
task x := any; --> It didn't work! WHY?
6) Now expression provides the current system time,
isn't it? When I tried to execute the following code,
I got 806.248000. What does this real number indicate?
output CurrentTime(now);
Thanks a lot
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