Subject: MSC-News: Putting Extended MSC-2000 to Practice
From: Ekkart Rudolph (
Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 17:15:07 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Ekkart Rudolph <> to mscnews -----
Dear MSC experts and fans,
ten years after the appearance of our paper: "Putting Extended Sequence
Charts to Practice"
at the SDL-Forum in Lisbon 1989
I try a continuation of this success story with an extended case study:
"Putting Extended MSC-2000 to Practice".
This case study aims at a complete specification of the INRES protocol
or at least parts of it by means of MSC. This always seemed to me to be
a challenging task
and with some few extensions of MSC-2000 it seems to be possible.
The INRES protocol has some strange features but it has the
advantage that it is not a toy example and still does not need too
much effort. I think it is ideal to study the application of guards in
loops and alternatives but
also some other features like the gate concept in case of operator
If you think that my specification can be improved or/and you are not
satisfied by my proposed extensions/modifications of (draft) MSC-2000
please feel free to present your own solution to the same (!) problem.
Since it seems to be impossible to send a file
to the 'MSCNews' list, a first version of this case study can be
obtained from me on request.
Best regards!
Dr. Ekkart Rudolph phone: +49
89 289 25361
Technische Universitaet Muenchen fax: +49 89 289
Institut fuer Informatik, e-mail:
c/o Prof. Manfred Broy
Arcisstrasse 21
D-80290 Muenchen
-----End text from Ekkart Rudolph <> to mscnews -----
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