MSC-News: Survey on tools for MSC

Subject: MSC-News: Survey on tools for MSC
From: Thomas Garcia (
Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 12:18:36 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Thomas Garcia <> to mscnews -----

 Dear colleges,
 As we have received many questions from people interested in tools able to draw
MSC from its standard textual form and, the other way around, tools able to
write the standard textual form the standard graphical notation, I have decided
to make a survey on MSC tools.
 The survey (when finished) will be made avaible to all interested people via
the MSC pages in the server at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
of the University of Technology of Eindhoven.
 So if you know of any tool - commercial or freeware, Z.120 standard fully,
partly or hardly compliance - able to handle MSC in some way, please send me an
e-mail with a short description and/or a pointer to the place where such a
description can be found.
 I look foward to hearing from all you soon.
 Best regards,
Tomas Alberto Garcia Garcia
Faculty of Mathematics and Computing Science
Subdepartment of Computing Science
Place: HG 7.31 - Phone: +31-40-247 46 28
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Postbus 513 - 5600 MB Eindhoven. The Netherlands

-----End text from Thomas Garcia <> to mscnews -----
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