Re: MSC-News: RPC in MSCs

Subject: Re: MSC-News: RPC in MSCs
From: Rick Reed TSE (
Date: Thu Mar 18 1999 - 10:09:23 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Rick Reed TSE <> to mscnews -----

At 07:41 +0000 18/3/99, Dagbjørn Nogva wrote:
>An alternative to attaching comments on the messages could be to
>prefix the RPC name as described below.
>Say we want to call an RPC called 'open'. We could then use the names
>'pCALL_open' and 'pREPLY_open' for the call and return messages
>respectively. (The notation is inspired by the model of remote procedures
>as specified in Z.100.) The advantage of this is to avoid comments

Dagbjørn forgot mention that at least one tool does this exactly this for
MSCs automatically generated from interpreting the SDL, and puts a
condition "Waitrpc" on the line of the calling process.

Rick Reed, TSE Limited
13 Weston House, 18-22 Church Street
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