Subject: Re: MSC-News: Conditions in HMSC
From: Oystein Haugen (
Date: Fri Jan 23 1998 - 11:56:52 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Oystein Haugen <> to mscnews -----
Dagbjorn Nogva wrote:
> The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
> -----From (Dagbjorn Nogva) to mscnews -----
> Dear (H)MSC community,
> I have a question concerning use of conditions in HMSCs.
> In an HMSC, is it allowed to let the same condition appear more than
> once (like "multiple appearence of state" in SDL)?
> A typical situation where this is useful is an MSC which is
> valid in many conditions, for instance an MSC describing
> some kind of common error handling or a shutdown procedure.
> In this case I would like to draw a condition symbol containing
> a condition list, then a reference symbol with the name of the MSC
> and finally a condition symbol defining "nextstate". This graph
> will then be detached from the rest of the HMSC. Is this allowed?
> Best regards
> Dagbjoern Nogva
> Telox AS
> -----End text from (Dagbjorn Nogva) to mscnews
> -----
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Dear Dagbjorn and the (H)MSC community
Your question is very interesting, and I belive that the question has
not been discussed explicitly in the process of standardization of
Z.120. On the other hand the language definition should of course give
answers to your question.
My interpretation is the following:
Multiple occurrences of the same condition is legal in graphical HMSC.
(In textual HMSC there is no problem since the condition name is the
only significant identification of the condition).
The semantics of the multiple occurrence is that it is seen as a
shorthand for superimposing graph fragments upon each other. The reason
for multiple occurrences is solely to avoid cluttering of the graphical
diagram and it is not disallowed.
As far as I can see the graphical grammar does allow fragmented HMSC,
where the fragments may be without start area. Up until now, however, we
have thought about graphs which are all connected, with the exception of
parallel expressions.
Oystein Haugen
(rapporteur ITU SG 10 / MSC)
-- ------------------------ Oystein Haugen, Ericsson as. , P.O. box 34, N-1361 Billingstad, Norway Tel: +47 66 84 23 46 Fax: +47 66 84 19 15 E-mail: text from Oystein Haugen <> to mscnews ----- For help, email "" with the body of your email as: help or (iff this does not answer your question) email:
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