Subject: MSC-News: WS on Perf. & Time in SDL/MSC
From: Andreas Mitschele-Thiel (
Date: Wed Jan 21 1998 - 19:24:34 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Andreas Mitschele-Thiel <> to mscnews -----
Enclosed is the call for participation for the Workshop on
Performance and Time in SDL and MSC
Febr. 17-19, 1998 in Erlangen
hold in conjunction with the ITU Q.6/10 Expert Meeting.
Additional information is available on
[June 2013 - link no longer valid]
Please register as soon as possible. The workshop will be limited to
about 30 persons.
Best regards
Andreas Mitschele-Thiel
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* Workshop on *
* *
* Performance and Time in SDL/MSC *
* *
* University of Erlangen, Germany *
* February, 17-19, 1998 *
* *
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Currently the ITU languages SDL and MSC do not support three important
activities of the system development process:
- performance evaluation (model-based and measurement-based),
- joint validation of functional and time aspects, and
- support for the implementation of the QoS requirements of systems.
On the other hand, several extensions to the standard languages
exist to support performance and time aspects.
The goal of the workshop is to get together
- researcher in the above fields,
- tool providers (both commercial and academia),
- users of SDL and MSC from industry, and
- experts working in the standards bodies
to discuss the issues involved and to move forward towards the extension
of SDL and MSC (SDL 2000) to support performance and time aspects.
The workshop is held in conjunction with an ITU Q.6/10 expert meeting.
We plan to devote one day to a joint meeting with Q.6/10 to discuss
the integration of language extensions into SDL and MSC to support
performance and time aspects.
Day 1: Performance and Time in SDL and MSC - User Needs and Language Extensions
------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The main purpose of day 1 is to exchange ideas on the different proposals for
language extensions to SDL and MSC to support performance engineering
activities and to work on a joint proposal.
The goal is to come up with a preliminary joint proposal for the extension
of the SDL and MSC standard documents, which is presented to the people from
the SDL standardization body on day 2.
1) Registration and Welcome (8.30 - 9 am)
2) User Needs and Practice Reports (9 - 10.30am)
- Overload Control in GSM - Handling the Problem in the Context of SDL
Klaus Wirth, Lucent, Nuremberg
- N.N.
3) SDL-based Extensions (11am - 1pm, 2 - 3.30pm)
- The Queueing SDL Language - Concepts (20 min)
Bruno Mueller-Clostermann, Univ. of Essen
- The Queueing SDL Language - Syntax and Semantics (20 min)
Marc Diefenbruch, Univ. of Essen
- ObjectGEODE SDL Extensions for Performance Analysis (20 min)
Jean-Luc Roux, Verilog, Toulouse
- EaSySim II SDL Extensions for Performance Simulation (15 min)
Rainer Gerlich, BSSE, Immenstaad, Germany
- SDL Probe Symbol to Support Performance Measurement (15 min)
Martin Steppler, RWTH Aachen
- Specification of Quality of Service Requirements Using Signal Chains (20 min)
Peter Langendoerfer and Hartmut Koenig, BTU Cottbus
- Improving Expression of Time Constraints in SDL (15 min)
Carlos Rodriguez and Joseph Sifakis, Verimag, Gieres, France,
Rushdiye Gurbuz and Isik Aybay, Eastern Mediterranean Univ., Turkey
- Discussion and Agreement on a Preliminary Joint Proposal for SDL-based
Language Extensions (to be presented on day 2)
4) MSC-based Extensions (4 - 6pm)
- PMSC for Performance Evaluation (20 min)
Lennard Lambert, Univ. of Erlangen
- Timed MSC for Test Purpose Definition (20 min)
Ina Schieferdecker and Axel Rennoch, GMD Fokus, Berlin
- Discussion and Agreement on a Preliminary Joint Proposal for MSC-based
Language Extensions (to be presented on day 2)
Day 2: Extension of SDL and MSC to Support Performance and Time
------ --------------------------------------------------------
(Joint Meeting with ITU SG10, Q6, SDL Language Experts)
1) Basics of Performance Evaluation and Wrap up of Day 1 (9 - 9.20am)
Andreas Mitschele-Thiel
2) Introduction into SDL-based Performance Evaluation Techniques (9.20 - 10am)
Bruno Mueller-Clostermann, Univ. of Essen
3) Introduction into MSC-based Performance Evaluation Techniques (10 - 10.20am)
Andreas Mitschele-Thiel
4) Proposal of SDL-based Language Extensions and Discussion (11am - 1pm)
Moderation Bruno Mueller-Clostermann
5) Proposal of MSC-based Language Extensions and Discussion (2pm - 4pm)
Moderation Lennard Lambert
6) Discussion and Preliminary Agreement on Guidelines for Language Extensions
(4.30 - 5.30pm)
Evening Event: Guided Tour of Nuremberg and Dinner
Day 3: Performance Extensions to SDL and MSC and New Techniques and Tools
------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
The idea is to have two parallel sessions where extensions to SDL and MSC
are discussed separately.
There might be synchronization points between the sessions to discuss possible
conflicts between SDL and MSC extensions.
1a) Work on SDL-based Language Extensions and Discussion (9 - 10.30am)
Moderation Bruno Mueller-Clostermann
1b) Work on MSC-based Language Extensions and Discussion (9 - 10.30am)
Moderation Lennard Lambert
2) New Techniques and Tools for SDL- and MSC-based Performance Engineering
(11am - 12.45pm)
- Model Checking based on SDL and Temporal Logic Specifications (20 min)
Marc Diefenbruch, Univ. of Essen
- Co-Simulation of SDL with the BONeS DESIGNER (20 min)
Doug Dunlop, Cadence Design Systems, USA
- Accuracy of Performance Simulation (15 min)
Rainer Gerlich, BSSE, Immenstaad, Germany
- SDL/MSC Design Methodology for Real Time Systems (15 min)
Thomas Kolloch, TU Muenchen
- MSC-based Schedulability Analysis (20 min)
Frank Slomka, Univ. of Erlangen
3) Wrap Up and Farewell (12.45 - 1 pm)
Erlangen is located near Nuremberg and is easily accessible by car,
train and plane.
Nuremberg Airport is located between Nuremberg and Erlangen. The
distance between Nuremberg Airport and the University is approx. 15 km.
From Nuremberg Airport direct flights to the major European cities exist.
Andreas Mitschele-Thiel (University of Erlangen; Assoc. Rapporteur ITU Q.6/10)
Bruno Mueller-Clostermann (University GH Essen)
Rick Reed (TSE Ltd.; Rapporteur ITU Q.6/10)
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Herewith I register for the Workshop on Performance and Time in SDL and MSC
at the University of Erlangen, Febr. 17th to 19th, 1998.
Postal Address:
Email Address:
Special dietary needs:
Please return the registration form to
before February 5th.
Registration fee is DM 150.- (approx. $ 85.-). The fee includes the workshop
proceedings, three lunches, refreshments during breaks, the workshop dinner
and a guided walking tour of the Nuremberg city.
Please transfer the amount until Febr. 5th, 1998 to
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Sparkasse Erlangen, BLZ 763 500 00
Account no. 2510
Reference: "special account no. 1519/28272 - 810317-8, SDL Perf. Workshop".
Important: Please quote the special account number on all transactions.
In case bank transfer is a problem, please pay cash at the workshop.
Please note that we are not able to charge credit cards.
-- Dr. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Phone: +49-9131-85-7932 or -7411 IMMD VII Fax: +49-9131-85-7409 Martensstr. 3 Email: 91058 Erlangen-----End text from Andreas Mitschele-Thiel <> to mscnews ----- For help, email "" with the body of your email as: help or (iff this does not answer your question) email:
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