MSC-News: Re: Performance Workshop

Subject: MSC-News: Re: Performance Workshop
From: Oystein Haugen (
Date: Tue Dec 23 1997 - 12:04:48 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Oystein Haugen <> to mscnews -----

Dear MSC-friends

As you have been reminded by Andreas Mitschele, there is a workshop on
Performance and Time in SDL and MSC in Erlangen Feb. 17.-19.
This workshop is connected also to an experts' meeting on Q6 (SDL).
We have _no_ intention to have an official experts' meeting on Q9
associated with this workshop, but those interested in the future of MSC
will definitely benefit from attending the workshop as one of our
special topics is related to performance and time descriptions in MSC
called "Real Time Constructs". I hope to see some of you there!

Oystein Haugen
(Rapporteur MSC)

Oystein Haugen, Ericsson as. , P.O. box 34, N-1361 Billingstad, Norway
Tel: +47 66 84 23 46 Fax: +47 66 84 19 15 E-mail:

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