MSC-News: Re: SDL-News: IS&N 98 deadline - 15 January 1998

Subject: MSC-News: Re: SDL-News: IS&N 98 deadline - 15 January 1998
Date: Sun Dec 21 1997 - 22:38:20 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From to mscnews -----

This is an automatic reply from,, MTS-GEN#LIST.ETSI.FR,

Subject: I'm on vacation

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    . . "##########""##############""##########" . .
            . " 000 " . .
       . . . 000 . . .
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Sorry, I'm not present in my office - I'm on
vacation till Wednesday, 7th January.
Your mail will be read when I'm back.

In urgent cases you can send your wishes to or or


. . __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ ^ __
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                       and a

            H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !

                     \ * ./
                    . * * * .
                   -=* POP! *=-
                   . .* * * .
                    / * .\

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