Subject: MSC-News: Workshop on Perf. & Time
From: Andreas Mitschele_Thiel (
Date: Fri Nov 21 1997 - 19:39:59 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Andreas Mitschele_Thiel <> to mscnews -----
Dear Colleagues,
enclosed you find the call for contributions for the Workshop
on Performance and Time in SDL/MSC.
Please distribute to interested people.
Best regards
Andreas Mitschele
Workshop on Performance and Time in SDL/MSC
February, 17-19, 1998
University of Erlangen, Germany
Currently the ITU languages SDL and MSC do not support three important
activities of the system development process:
- performance evaluation (model-based and measurement-based),
- joint validation of functional and time aspects, and
- support for the implementation of the QoS requirements of systems.
On the other hand, several extensions to the standard languages
exist to support performance and time aspects.
Goals of the workshop:
The goal of the workshop is to get together
- researcher in the above fields,
- tool providers (both commercial and academia),
- users of SDL and MSC from industry, and
- experts working in the standards bodies
to discuss the issues involved and to move forward towards the extension
of SDL and MSC (SDL 2000) to support performance and time aspects.
The workshop is proposed to be held in conjunction with an ITU Q.6/10
expert meeting. We plan to devote one day to a joint meeting with Q.6/10
to discuss the integration of language extensions into SDL/MSC to
support performance and time aspects.
Participation is open to members of the SDL Forum Society or
alternatively by invitation of the organization committee.
In order to apply, send your contribution (proposal, problem statement
or discussion item) by December 18, 1997, to A. Mitschele-Thiel
( preferable in ASCII or postscript.
Notification will be by January 13th, 1998.
Erlangen is located near Nuremberg. Erlangen is easily accessible by
car, train and plane.
Nuremberg Airport is located between Nuremberg and Erlangen. The
distance between Nuremberg Airport and the University is appr. 15 km.
From Nuremberg Airport direct flights to major European cities exist.
Organisation Committee:
Andreas Mitschele-Thiel (University of Erlangen; Assoc. Rapporteur ITU Q.6/10)
Bruno Mueller-Clostermann (University GH Essen)
Rick Reed (TSE Ltd.; Rapporteur ITU Q.6/10)
-- Dr. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Phone: +49-9131-85-7932 or -7411 IMMD VII Fax: +49-9131-85-7409 Martensstr. 3 Email: 91058 Erlangen-----End text from Andreas Mitschele_Thiel <> to mscnews ----- For help, email "" with the body of your email as: help or (iff this does not answer your question) email:
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