Re: MSC-News: Master List of Corrections

Subject: Re: MSC-News: Master List of Corrections
From: Oystein Haugen (
Date: Tue Oct 07 1997 - 12:49:56 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Oystein Haugen <> to mscnews -----

Oystein Haugen wrote:

> Dear MSC friends
> According to decisions of the Study Group, the Master List of
> Corrections of MSC should be made public. It is to be found at
> The file is pure Postscript and its size is app. 120 kbytes. The
> document to which these corrections refer is the official Z.120 which
> (hopefully) is available (at a price) from ITU. Please enjoy.

Dear MSC friends
I was not precise about which version of Z.120 I was referring to. The
Master List of Corrections is relative to the Z.120 of 10/96 which
informally is referred to as MSC-96.

Unfortunately this version does not seem to be publicly available (not
even at a price!). It is available in Korean translation (but not from
ITU), but most of us will have slightly less benefit from this version
than an English one.

Contact your ITU member contact to get hold of a draft copy if you are
interested. Due to the ITU copyright rules and practices I cannot freely
distribute the recommendation on this public list even though I would
love to do so.

Oystein Haugen
(MSC Rapporteur)

Oystein Haugen, Ericsson as. , P.O. box 34, N-1361 Billingstad, Norway
Tel: +47 66 84 23 46 Fax: +47 66 98 28 20 E-mail:

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