Members Meeting, Geneva, 5 May 1997
Date and Time: 5 May 1997
Location: ITU, Geneva
Organizer: Amardeo Sarma
Taken by: Oystein Haugen
11 members
- Amardeo Sarma led the
meeting. Oystein Haugen took the minutes. The Agenda was
unanimously agreed.
The chairman has been A. Sarma,
Eurescom, Germany with board members R. Reed, TSE, UK
(treasurer) and B. Moller-Pedersen, Telenor, Norway
The WWW-site and the
email exploders are maintained by Y. Lahav, ECI Telecom,
Israel. He plans to split the SDL news mailing list in
four different lists on which people can subscribe
through majorodomo: news, sdl, msc and methodology. It
was agreed that SDL Forum Society offers to take over the
maintenance of the MSC mailing list now maintained by E.
Rudolph, TUM, Germany.
The society has decided
to contribute to the funding of the travel expenses of
the SDL rapporteur in the current study period. This is
because the SDL rapporteur, R. Reed, TSE, UK does not
receive other funding for his participation in ITU work.
The treasurer (R. Reed)
pointed out that it had been cumbersome that the
treasurer was outside Germany since the society is
registered in Germany. This will change in the next
period. The biggest single cost for the society is for
the web site which amounts to 100 USD/month.
R. Reed, the present editor of
the SDL Newsletter, asked to be relieved of this job. A
new editor has not yet been found. The next issue of the
Newsletter will go to 200 people on the distribution
list. Thereafter the next issue will only go to the
members, but the newsletter will be available
electronically on the web.
It was pointed out the
considerable discount offered to SDL Forum Society
members for the SDL Forum 1997 to be held in Paris this
fall. Members will also get a considerable discount on
extra copies of the proceedings.
Suggested extra benefits for members included:
- members only areas on the web
- direct e-mail to members of importance updates of the web site
The SDL Forum Society
is being recognized by the ITU formally and thereby it is
feasible to let SDL Forum Society members who do not
attend regular ITU meetings participate in meetings with
SDL and MSC experts about the standardization issues.
The new board was given
instructions to negotiate financial agreement with R.
Reed about funding parts of his travel expenses. It was
agreed that his actual costs should be visualized and
that he should get a fixed amount for each meeting, as
suggested by the Canadian member Bill McCrum.
Approval of the Boards activities
The Board was given freedom of responsibility.
Changes to the Constitution
There was one single change suggested which made it sufficient
for any two out of the three members of the board to act
in behalf of the Society.
The change in the
Constitution suggested by Chairman A. Sarma was
unanimously agreed.
Election of officers
The following officers were unanimously elected:
- Chairman: Yair Lahav, ECI Telecom, Israel;
- Secretary: Oystein Haugen, Ericsson, Norway;
- Treasurer: Amardeo Sarma, Eurescom, Germany.
It was also unanimously
agreed that as cooptive members (ex officio) there should
be one person from Question 6 (SDL) and one from Question
9 (MSC) of Study Group 10 in ITU. There should also be
one person from SDL Forum Organizing Committee and one
from the Promotion Group. The different groups will find
their own representatives.
As auditors, Bill Mc
Crum, Canada and Heinz Kossmann, Siemens, Germany were
unanimously elected.
Next SDL Forum 1999
There was full agreement that the 1999 SDL Forum should
take place in Montreal, Canada as Nortel has
backed up the event. It was also agreed that work
should be done to promote activity in China such
that SDL Forum 2001 could be held there.
Representative from SDL Forum Society to ITU
Yair Lahav was elected as representative from the Society to ITU.
The SDL Forum Society
Board will remind the SDL Forum Organizing
Committee to send paper material for the
promotion of the SDL '97.
Next meeting
The next member meeting
will at the next ITU-T SG 10 meeting. The board
may decide intermediate informal meetings with
the members.