Tuesday Sep 18
Wednesday Sep 19
Thursday Sep 20
Friday Sep 21
8:00 - Registration
8:45 - Opening
9:00 Tutorial
Systems Modeling Language by Philippe Desfray from Softeam
9:00 Tutorial
An OMG UML profile to develop real-time and embedded systems
by Sebastien Demathieu from Thales Research and Technologies
9:00 Tutorial
An ITU UML profile to develop telecommunication and embedded systems based on SDL
by Rick Reed
from TSE
9:30 - Panel session: Should all modelling languages be UML compliant?
Chair: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Gotzhein - TU Kaiserslautern
 | Stein Erik Ellevseth - Devotek Communications (Norway)
 | Ferhat Khendek - Concordia University (Canada)
 | Joachim Fischer - Humboldt-University (Germany)
 | Dieter Hogrefe - University of Göttingen (Germany)
 | Emmanuel Gaudin - PragmaDev (France)
| | | | |
11:00 Tutorial
Architecture Analysis and Design Language by Jean-François Tilman from Axlog
11:00 - Model Driven Engineering
Chair: Edel Sherratt - University of Wales Aberystwyth
11:00 - Implementation
Chair: Philippe Leblanc - Telelogic France
11:00 Open discussion
Language convergence
Chair: Rick Reed - TSE
12:00 - SDL Forum Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting is open to all participants.
Only members can vote, but participants that paid the non-member
registration fee are offered free membership until 31 Dec 2007.
12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - Lunch
14:00 - Tutorials:
 | DO178 / ED12
DO178 (B&C) and Model Based Development and Verification by Hugues Bonnin from CS
14:00 - Testing
Chair: Martin v. Löwis - Hasso-Plattner-Institut
14:00 - Modeling experience and extensions
Chair: Emmanuel Gaudin - PragmaDev
16:00 - Language extensions
Chair: Susanne Graf - Verimag
16:00 - Modeling experience and extensions (Ctd)
17:00 - Tool vendors vision
 | PragmaDev
Market analysis and RTDS new features
 | Telelogic
SDL Suite new features by Irv Badr
| |
17:00 - Closing
18:30 - Evening social event at the Eiffel tower:
 | Dinner at the Altitude 95 restaurant on the first floor
 | Short tour on a peniche
| |
18:30 - Evening social event at the Orsay museum:
 | Guided tour of the museum
 | Dinner at the museum's restaurant
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