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The list of SAM 2020 accepted papers.
1. Mohammadreza Sharbaf, Bahman Zamani and Gerson Sunyé. A Formalism for Specifying Model Merging Conflicts.
2. Owen Reynolds, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez and Nelly Bencomo. Towards automated provenance collection for runtime models to record system history.
3. Nafiseh Kahani and James Cordy. Bounded Verification of State Machine Models.
4. Mohammad Hamdaqa, Lucas Alberto Pineda Metz and Ilham Qasse. iContractML: A Domain Specific Language for Modeling and Deploying Smart Contracts onto Multiple Blockchain Platforms.
5. Mihal Brumbulli and Emmanuel Gaudin. An attempt to convert BPMN models to SDL.
6. Andrii Kovalov, Tobias Franz, Hannes Watolla, Vishav Vishav, Andreas Gerndt and Daniel Lüdtke. Model-Based Reconfiguration Planning for a Distributed On-board Computer.
7. Omar Hassane, Sadaf Mustafiz, Ferhat Khendek and Maria Toeroe. A Model Traceability Framework for Network Service Management.
8. Philip Makedonski and Jens Grabowski. Facilitating the Co-Evolution of Semantic Descriptions in Standards and Models.
9. Dorian Weber and Joachim Fischer. Process-Based Simulation with Stackless Coroutines.
10. Hyacinth Ali, Gunter Mussbacher and Jörg Kienzle. Action-Driven Consistency for Modular Multi-Language Systems with Perspectives.
11. Hyacinth Ali and Gunter Mussbacher. Layout Merging with Relative Positioning.
12. Amal Anda and Daniel Amyot. Traceability Management of GRL and SysML Models.
13. Ajay Chhokra, Nagabhushan Mahadevan, Abhishek Dubey and Gabor Karsai. Qualitative fault modeling in safety critical Cyber Physical Systems.
14. Sanaa Alwidian, Mouna Dhaouadi and Michalis Famelis. A Vision Towards A Conceptual Basis for the Systematic Treatment of Uncertainty in Goal Modelling.
15. Pau Fonseca i Casas, Joan Garcia i Subirana, Victor Garcia i Carrasco, Jorge Luiz Silva de Barcellos, Josep Roma and Xavier Pi. SDL Cellular Automaton COVID-19 conceptualization.
16. Juan Parra, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez, Luis Garcia Paucar and Nelly Bencomo. Temporal Models for History-Aware Explainability.