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co-located event co-sponsored by
Forum Society
In agreement with
ITU-T Study Group 17 (responsible for ITU System Design Languages).
7th SAM
Analysis and
1st-2nd October 2012, Innsbruck, Austria
Call for Papers SAM Workshop 2012
The Systems Analysis and Modeling (SAM) workshop provides an open arena for
participants from academia and industry to present and discuss the most recent
innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in modeling, specification, and
analysis of distributed, communication and real-time systems using System Design
Languages (SDL): that is, the ITU Specification and Description Language (incl.
Message Sequence Charts) and related languages such as UML, ASN.1, TTCN-3, and
The SAM workshop originates from the use of languages and techniques for
telecommunications applications, whereas MODELS has a background in the
application of UML. However, UML is also used for telecommunications, and the
languages standardized by ITU-T (ASN.1, SDL-2010, TTCN-3, URN) are also used for
other applications. The 2012 MODELS conference week is a unique opportunity to
attend both of these events with overlapping domains of interest.
The 2012 edition of the workshop will cover the following non-exclusive list
of topics:
Language development
| domain-specific languages and
language extensions |
| standardization of language profiles |
| evolution of language standards |
| modular language design
| | semantics |
| evaluation of languages |
| real-time |
| performance
Model-driven development
| systems engineering, including
embedded systems and Internet of Things |
| analysis and simulation of
models |
| product lines and reuse
approaches |
| systematic testing |
| model transformations |
| | Application of SDL (Specification
and Description Language, Message Sequence Charts, UML, SysML, ASN.1, TTCN-3,
URN …)
| industrial usage reports |
| standardization activities |
| experiences from education< |
| domain-specific applicability
(e.g., in automotive, aerospace, telecommunication)
Tool support
Important dates
10. August 2012 SAM2012 Paper Deadline
22. August 2012 SAM2012 Review deadline
31. August 2012 SAM2012 Author notification
21. September 2012 SAM 2012 Final version before workshop
1-2. October 2012 SAM2012 venue
1. December 2012 SAM2012 Camera-ready for Springer LNCS
Submission should be done electronically with the EDAS
System (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=12071).
Paper size is limited to 16 pages LNCS style (see LNCS
author guidelines within Information
for LNCS Authors at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0).
At least one author of an accepted paper has to attend SAM2012 and present the
SAM2012 will continue the SAM post-event series in LNCS
For the workshop the preliminary papers will be made available
electronically, but no paper copies will be printed.
After the workshop, it is expected authors update papers to take into account
workshop comments. There will be a short second review prior to sending papers
to Springer, to ensure the papers are fit for publication. Therefore, though it
is intended to publish every paper, presentation does not guarantee publication.
Venue and integration with MODELS
2012 (http://www.modelsconference.org/)
SAM2012 is integrated with MODELS 2012 and shares part of the MODELS 2012
venue: Congress Centre
Innsbruck (http://www.cmi.at/index.php/home-1226.html).
Participants need to register separately for SAM2012 for costing purposes, in
all other respects SAM2012 is treated in the same way as MODELS 2012 workshops,
and participants are free also to attend the other workshops.
Register at http://models2012.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=37.
Members of the SDL Forum Society (as of 1st May 2012), ACM or IEEE Computer
Society are entitled to the same discounts to SAM2012 and MODELS. See the
registration link for fees.
Organizing committee
Øystein Haugen (Program Chair),
Reinhard Gotzhein, TU Kaiserslautern |
Rick Reed (SDL Forum Society Chairman), TSE |
Programme committee
Daniel Amyot, Ottawa Uni. |
Peter Herrmann, NTNU |
Ileana Ober, IRIT |
Rolv Bræk, NTNU |
Dieter Hogrefe, Göttingen Uni. |
Iulian Ober, IRIT |
Reinhard Brocks, HTW Saarland |
Michaela Huhn, TU-Clausthal |
Javier Poncela González, Málaga Uni. |
Jean-Michel Bruel, Toulouse |
Clive Jervis, Nokia Siemens Networks |
Andreas Prinz, Agder Uni. |
Laurent Doldi, Aeroconseil |
Ferhat Khendek, Concordia Uni. |
Rick Reed, TSE |
Anders Ek, IBM Rational |
Tae-Hyong Kim, Kumoh NIT |
Laurent Rioux, Thales |
Stein-Erik Ellevseth, ABB |
Alexander Kraas, T-Systems International |
Manuel Rodriguez-Cayetano, Valladolid Uni. |
Martin Euchner, ITU-T |
Frank-Alexander Kraemer, NTNU |
Nicolas Rouquette, NASA |
Joachim Fischer, Humboldt Uni. |
Finn Kristoffensen, Cinderella |
Richard Sanders, SINTEF |
Pau Fonseca i Casas, UPC |
Thomas Kuhn, Fraunhofer IESE |
Amardeo Sarma, NEC |
Emmanuel Gaudin, PragmaDev |
Anna Medve, Pannonia Uni. |
Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer Fokus |
Birgit Geppert, Avaya Labs |
Pedro Merino, Málaga Uni. |
Bran Selic, Malina Software |
Abdelouahed Gherbi, Quebec Uni. |
Tommi Mikkonen, Tampere Uni. |
Edel Sherratt, Aberwrystwyth Uni. |
Reinhard Gotzhein, TU Kaiserslautern |
Birger Møller-Pedersen, Olso Uni. |
Martin von Löwis, Hasso-Plattner-Institut |
Jens Grabowski, Göttingen Uni. |
Os Monkewich, Sympatico |
Thomas Weigert, Missouri Uni. |
Peter Graubmann, Siemens |
Gunter Mussbacher, Carleton Uni. |
Frank Weil, Uniquesoft |
Øystein Haugen, SINTEF |
Call for papers as a PDF document
Website for SAM2012
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