SDL-News: Request for advices on code generation

Subject: SDL-News: Request for advices on code generation
From: Corinne Rosier (
Date: Fri Oct 01 1999 - 13:21:12 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Corinne Rosier <> to sdlnews -----

Hi all,

I am a newcomer to SDL and MSC issues and I wish to put a question to
anybody interested by SDL implementation sides.
We just have bought ObjectGEODE in our laboratory to design and simulate
protocols in the telecommunications area.
As we have also bought the code generation module, I would be very
interested by some feedback from experimented people about SDL and this kind
of tool and its ability to generate good code from complex SDL models, maybe
with strong real-time constraints. Could you give me friendly your advice
about that ?

Best regards,


Corinne Rosier Tel: +33 2 99
84 26 37
Mitsubishi Electric ITE Fax: +33 2 99 84
21 10
Telecommunication Laboratory E-Mail:
Immeuble Germanium Web site :
80 avenue des Buttes de Coesmes
35700 RENNES - France

-----End text from Corinne Rosier <> to sdlnews -----
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