SDL-News: Regarding the timers in the H.245 Recommendation

Subject: SDL-News: Regarding the timers in the H.245 Recommendation
From: Ramesh Palaniappan (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 13:35:18 GMT


In the Recommendation H.245,the timers such as T101,T102,T103,...T109 have been specified for the various control messages such as Master Slave Determination message,Capability Exchange messages,etc.But the time out values for each timer is not given in the Recommendation.

Will you please tell me about the timeout values for each timer.Please tell me,Where I can get this information.


In the Recommendation H.245,the timers such as T101,T102,T103,...T109 have been specified for the various control messages such as Master Slave Determination message,Capability Exchange messages,etc.But the time out values for each timer is not given in the Recommendation.
Will you please tell me about the timeout values for each timer.Please tell me,Where I can get this information.
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